Sunday, 29 March 2015

The Blood Host

I'm not a tournament player so when putting together an army I normally look to design something that fits the fluff. Fortunately Codex: Khorne Daemonkin's very own detachment, The Blood Host, makes this fairly easy. Unfortunately it does mean that you need to take the occasional duff units to get at the good stuff. I can live with that. Possessed aren't good for their points but that doesn't mean they'll do nothing at all and the others are avoidable.

In any case I'm going to aim at the following list;

1 Blood Host Detachment

Core Formation: Slaughter Cult
1 Daemon Prince with The Blood Forged Armour and Daemonic Flight - 225points
1 Bloodreaper and 7 Bloodletters - 85 points
1 Berzerker Champion with Axe of Khorne and Meltabombs, and 7 Berzerkers with Chainaxes - 218 points
1 Possessed Champion and 7 Possessed  - 240 points
1 Cultist Champion and 7 Cultists - 58 points
1 Cultist Champion and 7 Cultists  - 58 points

Auxiliary Formation: Gorepack
8 Fleshhounds  - 116 points
1 Chaos Biker Champion with Axe of Khorne and Meltabombs, and 3 Chaos Bikers including 3 Meltaguns - 142 points
1 Chaos Biker Champion with Axe of Khorne and Meltabombs, and 3 Chaos Bikers including 3 Meltaguns - 142 points

Auxiliary Formation: War Engine; Soul Grinder with Phlegm Bombardment  - 165 points

Auxiliary Formation: War Engine; Soul Grinder with Phlegm Bombardment  - 165 points

Auxiliary Formation: War Engine; Maulerfiend - 130 points
1744 points total

I'll expand on some of my choices in further posts but a few points for now;

The codex makes it easy to takes squads in eights (ok the biker squads are in fours but there is two of them so I think it counts),
Like any self respecting Khorne warband the list relies on close combat but assuming the stuff gets across the board are units that should be able to deal with most things.
Getting there is a challenge for some of the units. I can't see a good way round this. Still I've got some pretty fast stuff, some ranged stuff, the cultists are really there just to die anyway, Possessed are compulsory and how can a Khorne list not have Berzerkers?
Multiple small units make picking up points for the blood tithe a easier so other than models for the list I'll need some daemons for summoning.

Comments or questions welcome.


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